Enhance Your Website and Stand Out from the Crowd

Stand Out from the Crowd

When someone visits your web page, it is important keep in mind that it only requires one click to close your website and visit another site. The internet is unforgiving in that respect.

In a digital world of information overload, it is important that your website will engage your customers and stand out from the crowd.

On this web page, we will explore:

  • Widgets, gadgets and plugins.
  • Online payment buttons.
  • Your business logo.
  • Recruitment branding.
  • Photography, graphics and image galleries.
  • Royalty-free image stock libraries.
  • Graphical menu buttons.
  • Contact forms and job application forms.
  • Interactive clickable maps.
  • Microsoft documents and Adobe PDF files.
  • Online advertising opportunities.
  • Video technology.
  • Social media, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

How to Create an Engaging Recruitment Website

We encourage you to create an engaging recruitment website design by adding interactive features to entice your users and create a more exciting website experience.

Recruitment doesn't have to be dull or boring and there is a lot you can do to make your new recruitment site dynamic and attractive for your customers.

Please click and browse through the options below to learn more:

Job Site Code

Add Code and Widgets to your Web Page

When you build a job site at QuickontheNet.com, there is a lot you can do directly within our site builder to create an amazing website for your recruitment business.

You also have the option to take it to another level and enhance your website using plugins, widgets and gadgets from other internet providers. Normally these services are provided completely free of charge from companies like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Google.

Recruitment Business Logo

Add Your Business Logo

As you browse through this website you are currently viewing: RecruitHost.com, you will notice that we often emphasise that the recruitment website creation service provided by QuickontheNet.com is very quick and easy-to-use and the same principle applies when it comes to adding your business logo to your website.

The skills required to actually do it (add your logo) are similar to the skills you need to resize a picture and then use it in your favourite webmail account.

Recruitment Branding

Recruitment Website Branding

Your business logo should normally blend into and form part of the overall website design scheme, rather than have the appearance of being added as an afterthought.

The logo colours normally set the scene and determine the colour palette range for the website creative concept.

At QuickontheNet.com, you can upload JPG and GIF file picture images and then apply your own creative style and employer branding. All of the design elements should blend together in harmony to create the right impression for your recruitment website and your choice of colour scheme and imagery should carry an overall consistent marketing message across your entire website.

Photo Gallery

Add Photos & Create Image Galleries

As with everything we offer at QuickontheNet.com, adding photographs and graphics to your website is fast and simple.

You can display your gallery images in a listed view or a grid view (lightbox view) at the touch of a button. You can easily re-order your gallery items using up/down arrow buttons to visually nudge the items up or down according to your preference.

Let's explore some possible uses for creating galleries, with recruitment in mind:

  • Customer Testimonials.
  • Employee Profiles.
  • Product Galleries.
  • Gallery of Links.
  • Microsoft Document Gallery.
  • Video Gallery.
Royalty-free Recruitment Photos

Use a Royalty-free Photo Stock Image Library

With a limited budget, time and resources, you can normally get great value for money by purchasing royalty-free photography from a photo stock image library.

There are many suppliers worldwide and the price can vary depending on picture sizes and image usability rights. As a general rule, small pictures (under 500 pixels wide) are suitable for use as page pictures on an internet website. Leading international photography stockists and vector graphics providers include iStock by Getty Images and Depositphotos.com.

For your information, the page pictures used on this website (RecruitHost.com) you are currently viewing were purchased at Depositphotos.com, where small photos can be purchased for around $1.

Job Application Form

Add Contact Forms & Job Application Forms

You can add online application forms to your web pages at QuickontheNet.com at the click of a button.

We have not placed and limit on this feature, so you can add as many contact forms as you wish.

Our clients use the contact form feature for many different purposes and we have highlighted a few recruitment examples below:

  • Contact Us (no surprise, of course this is the most common use).
  • Refer a Friend (customer referral service).
  • Request a Meeting.
  • Book a Trial Job Interview.
  • Request a Consultancy Meeting.
  • Employer: Contact Us.
  • Employee: Contact Us.
  • Apply Online (for job applications).
  • Submit Your CV / Resume (for recruitment consultants and headhunters).
Google My Business

Add a Google Map, Yahoo Map or Bing Map

We guide you through the simple process of adding an interactive clickable map to your recruitment website.

You can embed a map from your preferred map provider, including:

  • Google Maps.
  • Yahoo! Maps.
  • Bing Maps.

You could add a map showing the your office location address, or perhaps add a map showing the area where you provide a recruitment service.

Recruitment Documents

Add Microsoft Document Files & PDF Documents

This special feature will allow you to upload Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Adobe PDF documents to your recruitment website.

The 'Document galleries' upgrade feature will enable you to:

  1. Create a document gallery.
  2. Create links to your uploaded documents.
Online Advertising

Add Online Advertising

Often described as 'Performance Marketing' or 'Affiliate Advertising', these terms mean you can put online advertising on your web pages and try to generate some additional income for your recruitment business.

Another industry buzzword is 'Monetization' and this means you are trying to monetize, or make money from your website.

You can make money through a combination of sales, leads or clicks.

Recruitment Videos

Embed Videos on your Recruitment Website

The process of adding videos to your recruitment site is perhaps much easier than you might think and they can add significant interactive value to your website.

The production process for creating a video can be time-consuming and expensive, yet it only takes a few seconds to make the video sequence appear on your web page.

You can embed videos from any video host, providing they offer the functionality to embed videos. No special set-up is required and you can even add videos to your job description pages.

Facebook for Recruitment

Add Facebook to your Recruitment Website

This section deals with how to enhance your recruitment website by adding Facebook plugins. In other words, this means you can add Facebook functionality to your recruitment web pages.

We will deal with how to add a:

  • Facebook Like Button.
  • Facebook Share Button.
  • Facebook Page.

Social media tools and Facebook in particular can have a positive impact on the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) performance of your recruitment website and we have explained how to use social media for SEO in more detail on another web page.

Twitter for Recruitment

Add Twitter to your Recruitment Website

The Twitter Kit for Websites offers a number of interactive features you can add to your recruitment website:

  • Twitter Follow Button.
  • Twitter Embedded Tweet.
  • Twitter Embedded Timeline.

These features are available free of charge and we provide a simple guide on how you can add Twitter to your web pages.

LinkedIn for Recruitment

Add LinkedIn to your Recruitment Website

In a world where many people do not trust the internet, building trust with new employers and prospective employees is essential. With that in mind, we recommend that you consider embedding your LinkedIn profiles on your web page, because that will help to establish trust and provide an alternative way for people to contact you.

On your job site, you can embed your:

  • LinkedIn Member Profiles.
  • LinkedIn Company Profile.

These integrated features can add a new interactive dimension to your recruitment website and also enable you to attract more LinkedIn followers directly from your web page.

Recruitment Websites from Quick on the Net

We can show you how to build a cool job site or a professional recruiter site without spending hundreds or thousands every month. With low prices you will simply not believe, you get an instant free trial with free help and support.

Low-cost Recruitment & Job Sites

RecruitHost.com has been created to highlight the recruitment features offered by Quick on the Net Limited. This is an international service with clients and recruiters located around the world.

QuickontheNet.com provides a site builder toolkit, recruitment website design templates and web hosting solutions.

Contact Form