Mobile Phone Recruitment for your New Job Site

Mobile Phone Websites

Mobile web browsing has now overtaken desktop browsing worldwide and job-seekers are particularly active on mobile phones. As a recruiter, it is essential that you embrace mobile internet.

Your new recruitment website created at is fully optimised for mobile/cell phones, iPads and tablet computers without you even having to think about it.


Responsive Website Design Solution

Using our site builder and web templates, our latest website technology uses HTML5 to ensure your website is automatically fully optimised for the widest range of different viewing devices, including the largest computer monitors, right down to the smallest handheld devices.

When the viewable screen area is reduced, the menu system will collapse into an expandable drop-down menu. Sometimes described as a hamburger menu or a sidebar menu, we use and industry-standard icon (a small three-lined button) to inform users there is a drop-down collection of menu items available.

The website pictures are also automatically optimised for mobile phone display. In other words, pictures which appear large on your website when viewed on a large computer screen will automatically reduce in size and expand to fit the mobile phone display.

Perhaps most appealing, all of this technology described above works in the background, without you having to plan for it. In other words, just build your website for a laptop or computer monitor and the mobile phone display will automatically take care of itself behind the scenes.

Making your website attractive to the eye when viewed on a mobile phone is central to this whole idea. We have considered the usability of your website on a mobile device, to ensure your website is easy to use and simple to navigate. Even your picture carousel (slide show) or photo galleries are easy to use on a mobile browser and you can flick through the pictures with finger swipes, making it similar to using a mobile phone app.

With quick loading pictures and simple navigation, it has been designed to be fast and easy-to-use on a small-screen hand-held computer or phone.


Mobile Phone Sites and Google Search

If we look back just a few years, this was considered to be a "nice to have" feature on your website. Today, this is a most essential service because having a mobile-friendly website is now a ranking factor on the Google Search results.

Nowadays this matter is business-critical and therefore we have created a dedicated page entitled 'Mobile Search Ranking' on this website to cover this topic in more detail. Please visit that page if you want to learn more about mobile phone website search ranking on Google.


Any Smartphone Screen

It's a bold claim to make, but we believe your new recruitment website created at will look great and perform extremely well on any smartphone device.

To fully appreciate this point, we invite you to please compare this website you are currently viewing on your computer and mobile phone. Please feel free to check it out using an iPhone, an Android phone, or any other type of mobile phone running an internet browser.


Stay Ahead of Your Competition

As you will know, the recruitment sector is extremely competitive. This is an opportunity to raise your game and create a new talking point about your business offering.

The internet is global, yet your new customers are right next to you. Make sure you buy this technology and reach out to new employers in your business sector.

Even our job application forms are mobile-friendly, making your job site available to job seekers and prospective employees on the move. How good is it? There is simply nothing like this in the recruitment industry and the results are quite brilliant.


Recruitment Websites from Quick on the Net

We can show you how to build a cool job site or a professional recruiter site without spending hundreds or thousands every month. With low prices you will simply not believe, you get an instant free trial with free help and support.

Low-cost Recruitment & Job Sites has been created to highlight the recruitment features offered by Quick on the Net Limited. This is an international service with clients and recruiters located around the world. provides a site builder toolkit, recruitment website design templates and web hosting solutions.

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