Add Microsoft Document Files & PDF Documents

Recruitment Documents

We offer an upgrade at which enables you to add documents to your recruitment website.

Job Site Builder

The 'Document galleries' upgrade will allow you to upload the following types of documents into your website:

  • Microsoft Word: DOC.
  • Microsoft Excel: XLS.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint: PPT.
  • Adobe Acrobat: PDF.
  • Rich Text Format: RTF.
  • Plain Text: TXT.

Important Note about Documents and Job Application Forms

Please note that the online job application form service which allows job-seekers to submit their CV / Resume as a document attachment is a standard feature in all websites at

In other words, you do not need to purchase the 'Document galleries' upgrade if you wish to use online job application forms in your job site.

In summary, you only need to purchase the 'Document galleries' upgrade if you wish to display documents (Word, Excel, PDF, etc) on your recruitment website on the internet.




How does the Document Upgrade work at

The 'Document galleries' upgrade feature will allow you to:

  1. Create a document gallery.
  2. Create links to your uploaded documents.

Let's explore this feature in more detail. As a starting point, we will highlight a few important notes about how to save your files with legal filenames for the internet:

  • Firstly, please save your documents on your computer using legal filenames.
  • Please do not use letter spaces in your filenames.
  • Please do not use special characters, such as &, £, $, + and so on.
  • Please only use a-z letters and 0-9 numbers with hyphens and no letter spaces.

For example, Terms & Conditions.doc should be named terms-and-conditions.doc and then uploaded to your site.


1. How to Create a Document Gallery

When you have uploaded your documents, you can create a document gallery. You have the option of adding a thumbnail picture for each document. Here is a couple of non-recruitment document gallery examples:

Football Club Documents

School Policy Documents

To create a document gallery:

  • Firstly, log in and go to 'Upload' and then upload your documents.
  • In 'Galleries', make sure the radio button is set to 'Doc' on the gallery which will have documents.
  • Now add your gallery items and you will find a drop-down menu to select your uploaded documents.

2. How to Create Links to your Uploaded Documents

For your website, supposing you had a Word document called pricelist.doc and you wish to create a link to that document.

  • Firstly, log in and go to 'Upload' and then upload your pricelist.doc document.
  • After it has been uploaded, it will immediately work on a URL running on the back of your domain name, as per the example below:

If you wanted, you could add this web address to an email message and sent it to your clients. In other words, this means you can send emails containing links to your documents on the internet, without attaching the actual documents to your email messages.

On your web page, to create a hyperlink to your uploaded price list document:

  • Log in, go to 'Pages' and click 'Edit' on the page you wish to edit.
  • Highlight the text which will form the link e.g. 'View Price List'.
  • Click the little chain icon.
  • Enter the 'Link URL' to the uploaded document e.g.

  • Make sure target is set to 'Open link in a new window'.
  • Click 'Insert' and click 'Save' at the bottom.
  • And that's it!



Innovative Use of Documents at

It is possible to put a home page password on your website at This means you could create a password controlled website of private business documents. This technology could be considered to be an 'extranet',

In other words, your extranet could be a collection of business documents which can be viewed by authorised outside users (it can only be viewed by the people you give the password to).

The system is quick and simple to use and there is a single password for the entire website, which is controlled by you through your website toolkit at

As an additional layer of security, you could consider making your actual documents password controlled. Therefore, you would give your clients the extranet home page password, plus the password to open and view the documents stored on your extranet website.

As an example, when it comes to recruitment and HR, you could create an extranet of the following documents:

  • Job Description Template.
  • Job Contract Templates.
  • Work Time Sheets.
  • Terms and Conditions of Employment.
  • Induction Plan.
  • Welcome Pack.
  • Expenses Sheet.
  • Travel Expenses Form.
  • Leave of Absence Request.
  • Sick Leave Form.
  • Holiday Request.
  • Work Appraisal.
  • Etc.


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