Search Engine Optimisation Executive Summary


It is recommended that you create your web page content for people visiting, reading and using your website and not for search engines. In other words, design and build your website for real people and not for search engine robots.

As a general point, we believe it is best not to over-do the SEO (search engine optimisation) treatment of your website because nowadays search engines tend not to like it if you are trying to gain an unfair advantage on the search rankings.

We have put together a collection of essential tips to help you plan your SEO campaign and get the best search rankings for your recruitment website:


Each Time You Create a Web Page
Every time you add a new page to your recruitment site, please make sure you write original unique content (do not copy text from other sources, as this can downgrade your SEO).

Add your text to the following:

  • Heading
    Tip - keep it short, try not to let your text spill out of the box we provide.
  • Main text (this is your page text)
    Tip - don't overload your page text with keywords.
    Tip - if appropriate, localise your text and add geographic locations.
  • Page Pictures
    Tip - use keywords in your picture filenames.
    Example: Job-Interview.JPG is better than PIC_3DDG5R.JPG.
    Tip - use alt text to describe your pictures using keywords.
    Example alt text: 'Business People in Job Interview'.


Bare Minimum SEO - The 3 Things You Must Do
Every time you add a page to your job site, scroll to the bottom of the page and add the following:

  • URL Filename
    Example in bold:
  • Meta Title
    This is the blue title on the Google search results.
  • Meta Description
    This is the snippet description on the Google search results.


Adding Job Descriptions for SEO Performance
Jobs can widen the appeal of your website on search engines and draw in visitors to your recruitment site:

Each time you add a job, put the:

  • Job title, location and job reference number in the 'Heading'.
    Example: Civil Engineer in New York, USA: Job Ref. ABC123.

  • Short job description in the 'Intro text'.

  • Full job description in the 'Main text'.

  • Job title and location and in the 'URL'.

  • Job title and location and in the 'Meta Title'.
    Example: Civil Engineer Job Vacancy in New York, USA.

  • Short job description in the 'Meta Description'.

…and finally, please remember to click the radio button to add the job application form.


SEO Ranking for Mobile Phone Users
Use our mobile phone site (available as a free upgrade - special promotion), because Google uses: "mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal" and this "will have a significant impact in Google Search results".


Submit your Job Site to the Search Engines
When your website is finished and you wish to go live on the internet, submit it to Google, Yahoo and Bing using the free links we provide.


Get Links to Your Job Site from Other Websites
Good quality links to your recruitment website can help to boost your search engine ranking, so remember to use the tips we provide.


Use Social Media to Boost Your Search Engine Ranking
As a minimum, create a dedicated Facebook business page or Twitter account to support and promote your job site and you can create links back to your recruitment website.

Make it easy for people to like your website on Facebook, like and share your web pages, and also tweet about your site.


Use Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools
Analytics and Webmaster Tools are both monitoring tools and neither program will directly influence your performance on the search engines. Both programs are free and they can be used at with your new job site.

Please note that Google itself provides help and support on these products, however, if you need help with the initial set up and configuration, we will be happy to help you.

Analytics and Webmaster Tools will give you a better understanding of your website traffic, providing useful charts, tools and statistics to help you gain a better insight into the success of your SEO campaign.


Learn New Techniques and Enjoy the SEO Experience
As a final word, it can be very rewarding when you see your hard work turning into real traffic, generating new leads for your recruitment business.

Plotting a course around the world of SEO is rather like navigating a very large ship in the ocean. When you want to turn, for the best results you have to look ahead, cruise at the right speed, allow the vessel to turn slowly, and then you will actually make headway more quickly.

SEO is about making small methodical decisions which combine to help you to see the bigger picture and drive more traffic to your website.


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