I have No Time for SEO Planning

Minimum SEO

As a general rule, we believe it is best not consider SEO at the end of your website creation project.

On the contrary, it is better to plan for SEO at the very start. Having said that, if you are building a new recruitment website and registering a domain name for the very first time, then we can understand there is a lot of new information for you to take onboard.


Now Here Comes the Good News

Many of the recruitment websites created at QuickontheNet.com perform extremely well on the search engines, successfully attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors through natural organic search, without any SEO planning.

Firstly, that is no accident, and secondly, we will explain why that can happen.

Job Site Builder

From the very beginning, when QuickontheNet.com was developed in 2003 and launched in 2004, we made the the decision to make sure our website creation technology was quick and simple for everyone to use. We applied that same rationale to SEO and we have made it easy for you to optimise your website for search engines.

Whenever you create a recruitment website at QuickontheNet.com, behind the scenes our technology will automatically serve up the programming code with the right tags and the right data in the right places, for the benefit of your SEO.

In other words, we have already done a lot of the hard technical work behind the scenes when it comes to SEO, so that you don't have to worry about it.



3 Simple Steps - Bare Minimum SEO for Beginners

OK, you don't have the time for SEO planning. Even if you are ultra-busy, we would still encourage you to carry out the three simple steps below.

Every time you add a page to your recruitment site, scroll to the bottom of the page and add the following:

  • URL Filename
    Example in bold: www.yourdomain.com/job-interview-tips.cfm
  • Meta Title
    This is the blue title on the Google search results.
  • Meta Description
    This is the snippet description on the Google search results.

It will only take a few minutes to add this information for each web page and we believe it can make a significant difference to your SEO efforts.

As you add your content, try not to let your text spill out of the boxes we provide, as per the picture below:


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Recruitment Websites from Quick on the Net

We can show you how to build a cool job site or a professional recruiter site without spending hundreds or thousands every month. With low prices you will simply not believe, you get an instant free trial with free help and support.

Low-cost Recruitment & Job Sites

RecruitHost.com has been created to highlight the recruitment features offered by Quick on the Net Limited. This is an international service with clients and recruiters located around the world.

QuickontheNet.com provides a site builder toolkit, recruitment website design templates and web hosting solutions.

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