Google Analytics versus Google Webmaster Tools


Let's start by clearing up a myth. Using Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools will not boost your SEO ranking simply because you start using them.

Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools are both SEO monitoring tools and neither program will directly influence your performance on the search engines.

Job Site Builder

By the way, both programs are free and both are supported at for your new job site.

Each program has something to offer, so let's explore the benefits and differences between Analytics and Webmaster Tools in respect of SEO.

You can use both Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools and each program has its benefits.

There is a lot of depth to both programs, so we will pick out the highlights and only focus on the topics which we believe are important for your recruitment site.


Which Program is Better?

For day-to-day SEO tracking, we believe Webmaster Tools is the most useful because of its 'Search Console', where you can monitor 'Search Traffic' and in particular:

  • Search Analytics (Real Search Queries).
  • Links to Your Site.

The 'Search Console' can take some of the guesswork out of SEO by telling you what is actually happening.



Google Analytics Overview

Real-Time: doing what is says on the tin, this feature will provide tracking data on who is viewing your site right now, along with their geo location and where they came from (Traffic Source).

Audience: we like Geo Language and Location, complete with a world map.

Mobile: (also in Audience) is very useful for providing a breakdown of your website visitors, by:

  • Desktop (laptops and regular computers).
  • Mobile.
  • Tablets.

You also get a mobile device listing, including brand names and handset model numbers.

Acquisition: is telling you how people found your website, including:

  • Organic search.
  • Direct (people typing in your web address).
  • Referral (links to your site from other websites).
  • Social media, including Facebook links and Twitter.



Google Webmaster Tools Overview

Search Appearance: everyone likes to get it right first time, but 'HTML Improvements' can automatically list out areas for improvement, including:

Meta Description Pages

  • Duplicate meta descriptions
  • Long meta descriptions
  • Short meta descriptions

Title Tag Pages

  • Missing title tags
  • Duplicate title tags
  • Long title tags
  • Short title tags
  • Non-informative title tags

Now here is the best stuff...

Go to: Search Traffic and select:

Search Analytics: these are the real search queries from real people, and how your job site ranked. Please use the menu for extra data on:

  • Clicks
  • Impressions (viewed, but not necessarily clicked)
  • CTR (Click Through Rate)
  • Position (Ranking, whereby number '1' is best)

Links to Your Site: This is a listing of sites which link back to your recruitment website.


Do You Need a Link?

No problem, as our customer, we will be happy to create a keyword link to your website.


Do You Need Help with Analytics or Webmaster Tools?

Please note that Google itself provides help and support on these products, however, if you need help with the initial set up and configuration, we will be happy to help you.



The Benefits of Using

We like to make everything quick and simple for you and here is another great example of that approach in action.

Job Site Builder

You only need to copy and paste your tracking code into one place at and then it will be automatically served up onto each separate web page behind the scenes.

We are also talking about your job pages with job descriptions, because they can be tracked separately.

If we compare with other website solutions, many website owners have to carefully and manually install the tracking code on each page separately. Imagine you have a 100 page job site, then that would mean you would have to paste the code 100 times, leaving the process open to human error.

There are no such problems at because if you have a 100 page recruitment site, then you only need to add the tracking code once. Job done!

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Low-cost Recruitment & Job Sites has been created to highlight the recruitment features offered by Quick on the Net Limited. This is an international service with clients and recruiters located around the world. provides a site builder toolkit, recruitment website design templates and web hosting solutions.

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