Corporate Job Site for External Recruitment

Q Recruitment Logo

Your company already has a business website and this is your opportunity to create a job board website for external recruitment.

Job Site Builder

This job site system from Quick on the Net Limited can be fully branded and presented in a style to match with your corporate branding. Starting with the basics, it is easy to upload your existing business logo and add it to your new recruitment site.

Taking it further, you can upload JPG and GIF picture images and then apply your own design style to the appearance of your job site. For example, you can use your own branded imagery in your:

  • Header bar image (the top section or banner section of your website).
  • Background image.
  • Menu button images.
  • Page photos and graphics.
  • Embedded Flash slide shows.
  • Embedded video clips.
  • PayPal payment buttons.
  • Favicon.

If your marketing department has an existing styleguide specification document, you are welcome to contact us and forward the document, so that we can quickly provide feedback to ensure there are no compliance issues with what you wish to achieve in terms of style and branding guidelines.


Recruitment Features for your Job Site

As regards the recruitment functionality, everything described on this website: is available to you, but let's highlight some of the important features:

  • Create job boards (job portal with listed jobs). Each job board (or gallery) can contain many different jobs. For example, you could create the following job boards for your company:
    • Administration.
    • Customer Services.
    • Finance.
    • Human Resources.
    • Graduate Roles.
    • IT.
    • Legal.
    • Logistics.
    • Management.
    • Sales.
    • Secretarial.
    • Training.
    • Etc (this job category listing is created and controlled by you.)
  • Each job has a short introduction with a click through link to a full job description.
  • At the click of a button, each job role has an online application form, with CV / Resume upload.
  • Each job is searchable within your website.
  • Each individual job can get indexed on Google and also the other search engines e.g. if you add 50 job roles, then you can get 50 new indexed pages on the Google search results pages.
  • It is quick and simple to add jobs.
  • As an option, you could attach Word or PDF document job descriptions.
  • You can turn jobs on/off at the click of a button.
  • By default, the end result is a public access job site. However, if you wish to restrict and limit access to the website (e.g. limit access to existing employees for internal recruitment only), you have the option of putting a home page password on the site.


Learn More and get a Free Trial

Use our free trial to get a get a better understanding of how this recruitment solution works at, because we already have a template available to get you started.

When you create a trial site, on the left side of the screen, please select:

  • 'Recruitment'
  • 'Corporate Job Site', click 'Save' and your website will appear on screen.

Now please click 'Menu' (top left) and you will quickly discover how to build a new job site for your company.


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Recruitment Websites from Quick on the Net

We can show you how to build a cool job site or a professional recruiter site without spending hundreds or thousands every month. With low prices you will simply not believe, you get an instant free trial with free help and support.

Low-cost Recruitment & Job Sites has been created to highlight the recruitment features offered by Quick on the Net Limited. This is an international service with clients and recruiters located around the world. provides a site builder toolkit, recruitment website design templates and web hosting solutions.

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