Job Site for Recruiter Business in North America

Q Recruitment Logo

With prices starting at only US $11 or Canadian $14 per month, use our website services at to create a job site for your recruitment business.

Job Site Builder

The jobs you add are searchable and the job applications are sent directly to your email inbox. Posting jobs is quick and easy and you can reach out to new employers and take online payments from your customers.

This is a pre-hosted recruiting solution, you can use your own domain name and web hosting is included at as part of the service. Just log in, make your changes and the results are served up on the internet immediately.

Please remember to check out our special promotion because you can get a free mobile-friendly version of your recruitment website to ensure your job site is optimized for people browsing the internet on cell phones. This free offer is worth US $84 (USD) or Canadian $96 (CAD) per year.


Pay in US Dollars or Canadian Dollars

This service is ideal for recruiters in North America. You will learn how to add your own business logo and apply your unique colors and branding to your new job site. We offer 'click and buy' website templates or you can create your own unique website from scratch.


Start Now with an Instant Free Trial

Use our free trial to get a better understanding of what is on offer at, because we already have a template available to help you get you started.

When you create a trial site, on the left side of the screen, please select:

  • 'Recruitment'
  • 'Agency / Consultancy / Recruiter', click 'Save' and your website will appear on screen.

Now please click 'Menu' (top left) and you will quickly discover how it works.


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Recruitment Websites from Quick on the Net

We can show you how to build a cool job site or a professional recruiter site without spending hundreds or thousands every month. With low prices you will simply not believe, you get an instant free trial with free help and support.

Low-cost Recruitment & Job Sites has been created to highlight the recruitment features offered by Quick on the Net Limited. This is an international service with clients and recruiters located around the world. provides a site builder toolkit, recruitment website design templates and web hosting solutions.

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